The most beautiful women in the world and a bit more...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Brandy Alexandre

Birthplace: Huntington Beach, California


Born On: July  17, 1964

I was born in Huntington Beach, California July 17, 1964, and I am the youngest of three girls. I was raised Mormon, but presently don't cling to any religion (See FAQ #14). I have my original set of parents who recently moved a little farther away from me (Hooray!). It's not that I don't like them or anything, but... you know... they're parents.

One sister, three years older, is married with one child. My other sister, eight years older, has two children and one grandchild (meaning I'm a great aunt! At my age!). She, unfortunately, is going through a divorce. That whole story would be worthy of a web site, not to mention a TV movie on the Lifetime Network. As interesting as it is, it is nonetheless unique and easily recognized by persons close to her and we certainly don't need to heap the public revelation that her little sister is a porn star on top of it. :) So that story will have to wait for another day.

As for me, I am single, have never been married (not that I haven't been asked) and live with my ultra furry Siamese mix cat, Kamikaze, "Kami", for short. She is the inspiration for the name of this web domain -- just kind of does what she wants and doesn't necessarily care what anyone thinks. I can't cook, I'm not a good housekeeper, I watch too much TV and spend too much time on the 'net. I have quite a knack for electronics and enjoy taking things apart and figuring out how they work.

I got my first computer, a 386SX/16, in 1991 having never touched one before, but became literate rather quickly. Now, through the generosity of fans, I have two computers: a Hewlett Packard Pavilion 7160 (P166) with two hard drives totalling 4.6GB, 64MB RAM, 20X CD-ROM, ATI 4MB video card; and a Toshiba T4700CT laptop now with a 1.6G hard drive 16MB RAM, and a miserably slow 14.4 PCMCIA modem. Beggers can't be choosers. :)

The addition of the laptop has opened up a whole new world for me. It has facilitated working on my book a great deal, and enables me to work out while writing or surfing. When confronted with the choice I always chose the computer and I got fat (150 pounds!) So far I've lost 15 and I'm going for another 10--returning to my former goddess self. ;) I've been able to set up a podium, of sorts, that places the laptop in front of me while I use my Pro-Form Air Walker.

I began my internet experience on America Online. It may be a good place to start and find out what is out there, but it should be dumped as quickly as humanly possible. Unfortunately, both of my sisters recently signed on to AOL. I tried to stop them, but sometimes there's just nothing you can do. You gotta let them hurt.

Just to be fair, and to request my new newsgroup be added to their line-up, I joined again a little while ago. After submitting my request I immediately canceled the membership even though I had 99 hours and 57 minutes left on my freebee. Why? Upon installing their software it automatically installed MS Internet Explorer! Without even asking! It had taken me weeks to finally locate every last bit of that infernal program and yank it out and they just dumped it right back in without so much as a how-do-you-do! It even had the balls to make itself the primary browser over by beloved Netscape. That was the end of my reconciliation with AOL.

I was pretty excited about an orchid plant I had, as you might recall my mentioning. I updated that it had died. I have to update again that it wasn't dead! It bloomed again, sitting out on the balcony with no leaves, looking completely haggard.

I drive a Honda, paid off by John Stagliano in a Dow Jones bet, not a Mercedes or BMW like many people seem to expect. I eat more fast food than I should (that cooking problem, you know). That about wraps up how truly boring I am.


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