The most beautiful women in the world and a bit more...

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Mimi Miyagi

Birthplace: Davao, Philippines


Born On: July  3, 1973

I grew up in a bunkbed in our kitchen, since our house was so small. We were the definition of poor growing up. I never had daily hot lunches. Instead I got apples and cheap cold bologne sandwiches, when we could afford them were my school lunches. Blocks of cheese were great, when the government used to hand them out to the poor (which was us, hehehe!) also. Packed in old grocery bags, since lunch bags were too expensive for us.

I had 2 Christmas's in my life, that I got gifts for. Which my mom scrounged up enough money to buy all 4 kids a lego play set to share. I always dreamed of getting a Barbie doll someday. But today, it doesn't seem much of a dream anymore... Houses and cars are more my ambition these days. .. LOL.

When my mom finally graduated from college to become a doctor, we did go though a period of 2 years of some money. But after some bad investments, we were back to square one. Growing up poor did have it's advantages, it gave me AMBITION!

Graduating high school when I was only 15 years old, skipped a grade when I was 9, then got advanced 2 years more when I was 14. I couldn't wait to work in the real world to earn money.


Hmm. You're probably wondering why I chose to be a pornstar? After working 3 fulltime jobs in Guam. Saving up every penny earned with my minimum wage salary. I was finally able to accept the college scholarship I attained at a fashion school in Los Angeles, California.

Ha ha, I thought back then that the $1,000.00 I had saved up was enough to live on in California, NOT! So, I applied at 21 different places to find a job to support myself through school. With no luck, the answer was always, I was too young or not experienced enough. So this led to desparation. I picked up the LA Weekly and found an advertisement placed by Ed Powers for "Partial Nude Modeling". After 2 weeks of working for Ed Powers on different softporn tease videos, I realized how really desparate I was! This was the first introduction to my porno scene. Yes it was with the famous "Dirty Debutantes" King himself, Ed Powers.

Needless to say, I kept getting sidetracked with making movies and traveling doing personal appearances. Hey, I needed to do something because you can get sick of going on dates just to eat? Also sleeping on friends couches, because I couldn't afford my own apartment was really getting old, not only to me but to my friends too.

200 porno's later... I decide to move on...


I programmed this site because I got ripped off by my ex-webmaster & administrator guys. Hmm? So after paying over $5,000.00 to them in April '97 I got deleted from cyberspace because I found out that the money I gave "Mr. Admin", was pocketed and my server fees (rental of computer space) never were paid. Then I found out that the webmaster registered to himself, huh? A geek guy all of a sudden is Mimi Miyagi? Well, after he gets threats of lawsuits and 2 months of battling with him to give me back my name I came to create the "REAL"

How I learned HTML. (Hypertext markup language, computer programming language used to created web pages.) After crying my eyes out with the loads of email from customers complaining what happened to the site. I decided to go to Barnes and Noble and buy books about the internet and how to program.

After 3 days of absolutely no sleep 2 jars of coffee and a box of sugar and 5 packs of cigarettes, and much prayer. I made my first webpage. From then on it was snowballing in. The pages I created I couldn't believe with my own eyes that a little pornstar girl like me did all this?

Goes to show you, that anything you set your mind to anything is possible!

" If I can do it, you can too!"

With God all things are possible.

Then I didn't know where I was gonna put my site at. Since I wasn't familiar with hosting stuff or uploading. I surfed the net and found

I emailed the owner asking for advise on where I can rent space to put my site and if it was expensive. Hooray! He offered me sponsorship and he would even help me make the proper router changes so would work. 7 days later it was online! I forever gratefully thank my sponsor Now I knew what my destiny was and what I was put here on earth to do.

Then in January 1998 I started going to college and taking up UNIX. Thank God for that class! Because now I can even configure Perl, Perl 5, and C programs and totally customize any kind of program thrown over my way. 1000's of pages and dozens of websites I feel finally that I am a normal person. Being stuck in that "Selling my body" only faze, really got to me, and after 3 years of drug addiction and several suicide attempts, I realize that I just have to be me and not live up to everyone's expectations anymore, and that looks are not everything. It's doing what you really love in life that will make you happy. So everything you see on my site, is from my heart and I made myself learn and do all the programming myself. This has been the funnest and more therapeutic career I have found. Wheew!

* DO NOT attempt to call me a "Nerd or Geek". Those are derogatory words, and I find them seriously offensive!

"Yikes! I'm CEO of a corporation and even own subsidiaries now..."

Owning this website has helped me accomplish all my dreams! Many of my pornstar peers have asked me how it feels to be the ONLY Pornstar gone entreprenuer who has made a career out of owning my website that has employees and an office, managing websites and totally taking control of all my image production?

My goal is to only help encourage others that they too can accomplish anything they set their minds to. So far many fans have been so kind in all your efforts of those kind emails. Especially Dan Fielden of , he guided me through all the software to help get me on the net. THANKYOU so much!!!!


December 8, 1998 2:09 am

My baby has arrived!

I was very lucky to have a short 5 hour labor and a short 30 minutes of pushing for her to pop right out! This baby has lucky stars all around. It actually snowed here in Las Vegas just 2 days before she was born. My contractions started hitting me at 8:42 pm and as me, my mom, my husband Gino were getting in the truck to go to the hospital, my water broke, and heavy contractions were hitting every 1-2 minutes. All that walking did me some good while I was pregnant. It was the worse pain to endure I can definately say, until the epidural came. Then I was sitting up laughing and talking the next 3 hours with no pain, wheew! Just slight pressure feelings in my bladder was all. I was dialating 2 centimeters every hour and by the time I reached the final 1 centimeters to start pushing I was relieved and was especially lucky that I didn't have to get cut due to dialiating 1 centimeter every week the past 3 weeks. I didn't even tear! So I didn't have to get any stitches. The nurse said "in 27 years I have been working in labor and delivery, you are the very first to have 5 hours of labor with NO stitches or cutting. I was up and out of bed that night and the next day walking around the hospital, all the nurses were shocked at how I recovered so quickly. I even had a bad cold and fever the night before. But the next day I was like brand new! My life has changed and I'm so lucky to have a wonderful husband who was at my side to help remind me of those lamaze breathing techniques. He is so involved with taking care of the baby, I am just blessed. All I can say is I thank God for giving me the biggest joy ever, and knowing I have a loving husband and a healthy new baby we both can love forever. She has brought me to a realization of what life is really all about now. How life is so extremely important and no amount of money in the world can buy a love of life!


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